In this article we will discuss about Chroococcus:- Diagram, Classification and Characteristics
Table of Contents
1. Chroococcus Diagram

- Lamellated Sheath: A Distinct, outer covering that surrounds the cells. This mucilage sheath can be colorless or pigmented.
- Cells: Cells can be individual or grouped together in colonies. The arrangement of cells and the appearance of sheath can vary depending on the species.
How to Draw a Diagram
2. Chroococcus Classification
- Division – Cyanophyta
- Class – Cyanophyceae
- Order – Chroococcales
- Family – Chroococcaceae
- Genus – Chroococcus
3. Chroococcus Characteristics
- They are widely distributed in freshwater, they are less frequent in salty environments.
- Normally spherical, few celled colonies, generally in groups of 4 or 8.
- Each cell and each group of cells is surrounded by its own envelope of mucilage, but this is usually thin.
- Colonial mucilage is fine, diffluent, uniform, colorless to yellowish, and often lamellate.
- Individual mucilage is colorless and copies the shape of cells.
- It varies from blue green to olive green, gray, orange, yellowish, pinkish, or red violet.
- Reproduction takes place by cell fission only. Sexual reproduction is absent.
- Chroococcus and Gloeocapsa have round cells with individual sheaths dispersed in amorphous, colonial mucilage. This genera has fewer cells in smaller colonies with less prominent mucilage, and Gloeocapsa has many more cells in larger colonies with more prominent mucilage.
- Some members of the genus have been reclassified into the genus Limnococcus (Komárek and Johansen, 2015a).
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