In this article we will discuss about cyanobacteria diagram, Structure and Examples
Cyanobacteria Diagrams

Structure of Cyanobacteria
- Sheeth: It is a protective outer layer that surrounds the cyanobacteria cell
- Cell wall: A rigid outer structure that provides support and protection
- Gas vacuole: It allows the cyanobacteria to float in water by regulating its buoyancy
- Phycobilisome: A light-harvesting complex and absorbs light and transfers the energy to the reaction center in the photosynthetic process
- Thylakoid: Where the photosynthetic process takes place
- DNA: The genetic material of the cell that contains the instructions for the cell’s development and functioning
- Carboxysome: A protein shell inside the cyanobacteria cell that contains the enzyme responsible for carbon fixation during photosynthesis
- Ribosome: A cellular structure responsible for protein synthesis
- Cyanophycin: A nitrogen storage and transport polymer
Examples of cyanobacteria
- Anabaena: It is a filamentous cyanobacterium known for its ability to fix nitrogen and form specialized cells called heterocysts.
- Spirulina: It is a spiral-shaped cyanobacterium that’s often consumed as a dietary supplement due to its high protein content and potential health benefits.
- Nostoc: It is a genus of cyanobacteria that forms colonies of gelatinous spheres. It’s found in a variety of habitats, including soil, freshwater, and even symbiotically with certain plants.
- Microcystis: It is found in freshwater ecosystems. Some species can produce toxins under certain conditions, causing harmful algal blooms.
- Gloeocapsa: It is a unicellular cyanobacterium commonly found in terrestrial environments. It’s known for forming colonies on rocks, soil, and building surfaces, contributing to the formation of biological crusts.
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