Frog Urogenital System Short Notes | Free Biology Notes

Frog Urogenital System Short Notes

In this article we will discuss about the frog urogenital system

Frog Urogenital System

  • The urinary and reproductive systems are linked and collectively referred to urinogenital system
  • The frog Urogenital system responsible for urine excretion and reproduction
  • Frogs are ureotelic animals because urea is their main excretory product
  • Frogs have separate sexes, so they are dioecious
  • Male and female frogs can only be distinguished externally during the breeding season
  • Males developing a copulatory or nuptial pad on their first forelimb digit
  • Males also have vocal sacs
  • Male and female frogs have the same excretory system, but their reproductive structures are different

Male Frog Urogenital System


  • Both kidneys are elongated, compact, flattened, and dark red
  • Each kidney consists of many functional and structural units called nephrons or uriniferous tubules
  • Tadpole kidneys are pronephros, whereas adult kidneys are mesonephros

Urinary bladder

  • It is a large, thin walled and bilobed structure
  • Present ventral to the rectum. It stores urine


  • Ureter or the urinogenital duct occur in pairs
  • The ureters opens into cloaca and helps in passing the urine and sperm


  • The testis are attached to kidneys by mesorchium
  • Testis is composed of a large number of seminiferous tubules
  • The wall of seminiferous tubules is made up of germinal epithelium, which forms sperms by spermatogenesis

Vasa efferentia

  • Emerges from the testis and are 10-12 in number
  • They pass through mesorchium and entering the kidney and opening into the bidders canal
  • Collecting tubules of the kidney and the bidders canal communicates with the ureter


  • Small chamber mediating to pass urine, faeces and sperms to the outside
  • The ureter and urinary bladder opens into the cloaca

Female Frog Urogenital System


  • Both kidneys are elongated, compact, flattened, and dark red
  • Each kidney consists of many functional and structural units called nephrons or uriniferous tubules
  • Tadpole kidneys are pronephros, whereas adult kidneys are mesonephros

Urinary bladder

  • It is a large, thin walled and bilobed structure
  • Present ventral to the rectum. It stores urine


  • Ureter occur in pairs
  • The ureters opens into cloaca and helps in passing the urine and sperm


  • It is a paired structure found near the kidneys
  • Ovary covered by fold of peritoneum known as the mesovarium
  • They produce ova through the process of oogenesis
  • A mature female can produce between 2500 and 3000 eggs all at once


  • They are paired and found on each side of the ovary
  • These ducts open separately into the cloaca


  • Small chamber mediating to pass urine, faeces and ova to the outside.
  • The ureter and urinary bladder opens into the cloaca


  • Copulation takes place in water during breeding season
  • Male produce croaking sound with the help of vocal sacs
  • The croaking is a mating call for the female frogs
  • The male frog rides over the female frog and embraces it.
  • The male frog holds the female frog firmly by its forelimbs and nuptial pads
  • The couple remains in this condition for 2-3 days
  • At this stage orgasm female discharges a large number of eggs in water and same moment discharges its sperms over the eggs falling in water.
  • The two animals separate from each other on completion of this process


  • The fertilisation is external, taking place in water
  • In the fertilisation sperm and ova fuse together to form zygote
  • The eggs hatch into tadpoles which later on undergo metamorphosis to develop into adults

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