Function of Connective Tissue

Function of Connective Tissue

In this article we will discuss about the function of connective tissue

Function of Connective Tissue

  • Connective tissue binds various tissue together and form structural framework for the body
  • Areolar connective tissue serves as a support framework for epithelium
  • Adipose connective tissue store energy as fat, conserve body heat, fills space in the body pads and guards many organs and shape up the body.
  • Dense irregular tissue provides a protective capsule around many organs like spleen and liver
  • Dense regular tissue bind the bones together and attaches the muscle to the bone
  • Cartilages gives shapes the outer ear, facilitates the movement of vocal cords, an indication of a fetal skeleton, and growth zone of children’s bones
  • Bones forms shape and the frame work of the body
  • Blood transporting oxygen and nutrients to all over the body
  • The lymphatic tissue helps in body immunity

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Based on structural characteristics or major component of cell, connective tissues classified into three main groups

  1. Loose connective tissue
  2. Dense connective tissue
  3. Specialized connective tissue

Connective tissue binds various tissue together and form structural framework for the body.

Blood, bone, cartilage, lympatic fluied and adipose tissue

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