4 Fundamental Character of Chordata | Free Biology Notes

Fundamental Character of Chordata

After reading this article you will learn about fundamental character of chordata

Fundamental Character of Chordata

1. Presence of notochord

  • In Embryonic stage of chordate animals there is a solid stick/rod like structure called notochord
  • It is present just below nerve cord and above alimentary canal
  • Notochord is extended from anterior to posterior end of body at dorsal surface
  • It is mesodermal in origin
  • In protochordate, it persists throughout life
  • In vertebrates, it is replaced by backbone / vertebral column in adults

2. Presence of nerve cord

  • In chordates CNS is situated at dorsal surface of body
  • Nerve cord is single, hollow and tubular
  • Nerve cord is present below the body wall and just above notochord
  • Nerve cord is ectodermal in origin

3. Presence of pharyngeal gill slits

  • In each chordate animal there are paired lateral gill slits in wall of pharynx for respiration in any stage of life span
  • In aquatic chordates and lower chordates pharyngeal gill slits are present throughout their life span for respiration
  • In terrestrial chordates, gill slits are found only in embryonic stages and are absent in adults as they have lungs

4. Presence of post anal tail

  • In chordates tail if present is the post anal part of body
  • Tail is reduced or absent in many adult chordates

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