Solanum trilobatum Medicinal Uses

Solanum trilobatum L.

In this article we will discuss about the Solanum trilobatum :- common name, scientific name, medicinal uses and photos.

Common name

  • English: Thai nightshade
  • Tamil: Tuduvalai, Nittidam, Sandunayattan
  • Kannada: Kakamunji, Ambusondeballi
  • Marathi: Mothiringnee, Thoodalam
  • Telugu: Alarkapatramu, Kondavuchinta, Mullamusti
  • Malayalam: Tutavalam, Putharichunda, Putricunta

Scientific name

  • Name: Solanum trilobatum L.
  • Family: Solanaceae (Potato family)
  • Synonyms: Solanum maingayi, Solanum canaranum, Solanum sarmentosum

Solanum trilobatum Medicinal Uses

  • The leaf juice is used to treat cough and cold.
  • Unripe fruits paste is applied on ringworm.
  • Plant paste is applied externally in headaches and joint pain.
  • Plant juice is given orally in liver enlargement, dysentery and fever.
  • The fruit juice is given for chest cold, cough, snake bite and body strength.
  • Leaves and fruits used for cure eye disorders, nose problems and cold.
  • Decotion of the flower is used for vitality and body strength.
  • Native medicine men prepare two types of herbal drugs with this plant. they are ‘Thoothuvelai Legiyam’ and ‘Thoothuvelai Nei’.

Other Uses

  • The fruit is edible
  • The leaves cooked and eaten as a vegetable

Solanum trilobatum Photos

Solanum trilobatum

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  • Singh, A. G., Kumar, A., & Tewari, D. D. (2012). An ethnobotanical survey of medicinal plants used in Terai Forest of western Nepal. Journal of Ethnobiology and Ethnomedicine, 8(1).
  • Ethnobotany and Medicinal Plants of Indian Subcontinent. N.p.: Scientific Publishers, 2019.

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