Classification of Meristem Notes | Free Biology Study Material

Classification of Meristem

This article we will discuss about classification of meristem

  • Meristematic tissue are rapidly dividing cells found in growing portions of the plant and they give rise various plant organs
  • Cells are immature and young
  • Meristematic tissue is commonly called as meristems
  • Meristems are classified according three criterions

Meristematic tissue on the basis of origin


  • Originates from the embryo
  • The earliest and youngest meristematic tissue
  • It is present in embryonic stage
  • It give rises to primary meristem

Primary Meristem

  • Originates from promeristem
  • It is formed early in life & help for plant primary growth
  • It give rises to primary permanent tissue
  • Found in root, shoot intercalary parts and intrafascicular cambium

Secondary Meristem

  • Originates from primary permanent tissue
  • It gives secondary permanent tissue during secondary growth
  • E.g. Cork cambium & interfascicular cambium

Meristematic tissue on the basis of position

Apical Meristem

  • Position: It is present in shoot and root apex
  • It helps in increase in height of plants
  • Lower plants usually have single apical cells
  • In higher plants, apical meristem composed of group of cells
  • E.g. Root apex & shoot apex

Intercalary Meristem

  • Position: present between permanent tissue regions in the plant
  • It is a part of apical meristem and adds to the height of the plant
  • Commonly present in monocots, grass and pines

Lateral Meristem

  • Position: present on lateral side of stem and root
  • It helps in increases the thickness of plants
  • E.g. Vascular cambium, cork cambium

Meristematic tissue on the basis of function


Function: protection from mechanical injury
It is the outermost plant tissue and forms the epidermis


Function: transport of water and nutrition
It gives rise to vascular tissue (xylem and phloem)
It is the innermost meristematic tissue

Ground meristem

Function: various functions
It forms the cortex, pericycle and pith

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