Internal Structure of Dicot Leaf Notes | Free Biology Notes

Internal Structure of Dicot Leaf Notes

This article we will discuss about Internal Structure of dicot leaf

The transverse section of a Dicot leaf reveals the following structures


  • A dicot leaf is generally dorsiventral
  • It has upper and lower epidermis

I) upper epidermis

  • Outermost layer present on the upper side of the leaf
  • Upper epidermis is made up of a single layer of parenchymatous cells without intercellular spaces
  • Thick cuticle layer is present on the upper epidermis
  • Stomata are generally absent in the upper epidermis

II) lower epidermis

  • Outermost layer present on the lower side of the leaf
  • It is a single layer, parenchymatous & covered with cuticle
  • Stomata are more on lower epidermis
  • Chloroplasts present only guards cells of the epidermis
  • Function of epidermis
    • Protective layer
    • Exchange of gases
    • Facilitates the transpiration

Mesophyll tissue

  • Present between upper and lower epidermis, there is an entire mass of ground tissue called mesophyll
  • Consists of two different kinds of parenchyma cells

I) Palisade parenchyma

  • Present below the upper epidermis
  • Elongated parenchyma cells as they have more chloroplasts
  • Helps in the process of photosynthesis

II) Spongy parenchyma

  • Present below the palisade parenchyma tissue
  • They are arranged irregularly with intercellular spaces
  • Helps in gaseous exchange

Vascular bundle

  • Vascular bundles occur at the midrib and veins of the leaf
  • Vascular bundle is collateral and closed
  • Vascular bundle consists of xylem and phloem
  • They are surrounded by parenchyma is bundle sheath
  • Functions of vascular bundle: conduct water and food materials


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