Plasma Membrane Structure and Function | Free Biology Notes

Plasma Membrane Structure and Function

In this article we will discuss about:- Plasma Membrane Structure, Function of Plasma Membrane and Transport through Plasma Membrane

What is Plasma Membrane?

  • Plasma membrane is thin, elastic semi permeable living membrane that serves as boundary for the cytoplasm
  • Plasma membrane was coined by Nageli in 1855
  • Also known as Cell membrane or plasmalemma
  • Made up of protein and phospholipids
  • Selectively permeable in nature
  • Dynamic membrane

Plasma Membrane Structure

  • Three important models explaining the structure of plasma membrane are
    1. Sandwiched model
    2. Unit membrane model
    3. Fluid mosaic model

1. Sandwiched Model

  • In 1935, proposed by Davson & Danielli
  • Oldest model on the structure of plasma membrane
  • Plasma membrane is made up of three layers
  • Outer protein layer, middle lipid layer & inner protein layer
  • Proteins are alpha globular
  • Lipids are amphipathic
  • Lipids arranged in bilayer in such a manner that tails face each others
  • Van der vaal force helping to 2 layers stay together
  • Proteins on either side of phospholipids bilayers

2. Unit Membrane Model

  • In 1959, Proposed by Robertson
  • Plasma membrane is made up of three layers
  • Outer protein layer, Middle lipid layer & inner protein layer
  • Proteins are beta fibers
  • Thickness of plasma membrane is 7.5nm (75Å)
  • Lipids are amphipathic
  • Lipids arranged in bilayer in such a manner that tails face each others
  • Van der vaal force helping to 2 layers stay together
  • Proteins on either side of phospholipids bilayers

3. Fluid Mosaic Model

  • In 1972, Proposed by Singer & Nicolson
  • Made up of protein and phospholipids
  • Proteins are alpha globular & two types

I) Extrinsic Proteins

  • Arranged on surface of lipid heads
  • Loosely attached

II) Intrinsic Proteins

  • Deeply embedded
  • Tightly bound to lipids

Phospholipids have two types of movements

I) Transition

  • Movement of phospholipids molecules in the same layer

Ii) Flip Flop

  • Movement of phospholipids molecules between two layers
  • Protein iceberg in a sea of phospholipids

Function of Plasma Membrane

a) Mechanical Support

  • It gives shape to the cell
  • Protects all cell contents

b) Exchange of Materials

  • Regulate the exchange of materials
  • It allows need materials to enter the cell
  • It Send out unwanted materials from the cell

c) Endocytosis

  • Engulfing of food or foreign particles through the
  • Plasma membrane
  • Endocytosis differentiated into two types

I) Phagocytosis

  • Engulfing of solid particles through the plasma membrane
  • g. Amoeba & WBC

II) Pinocytosis

  • Engulfing of fluid particles through the plasma membrane
  • E.g. Epithelial cells of intestine

d) Exocytosis

  • Process of exudating secretary products from the cells to outside of the cytoplasm
  • E.g. Pancreatic cells

[ Also Read: Cell Wall Structure and Function ]

Transport through Plasma Membrane

  1. I) Passive Transport
  • No need ATP
  • Movement of substance according to concentration gradient
  • Higher concentration to lower concentration

Osmosis: Movement of solvent through selectively permeable membrane

Diffusion: Movement of molecules through selectively permeable membrane

Facilitated diffusion: Movement of molecules through transport protein in plasma membrane

Ii) Active Transport

  • Need ATP
  • Movement of substance against to concentration gradient
  • Lower concentration to Higher concentration
  • E.g. Na+/K+ Pump and Ca Pump etc.

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