Carissa carandas Medicinal Uses

Carissa carandas L.

In this article we will discuss about the Carissa carandas :- common name, scientific name, medicinal uses and photos.

Common name

  • English: Karanda, Christ Thorn, Jasmine flowered carrisa
  • Tamil: Kalaaha, Kila, Kilaakkaai, Kalakkai
  • Hindi: Karaunda
  • Kannada: Kavali hoovu
  • Marathi: karvand
  • Telugu: Peddakalavi
  • Malayalam: Karakka
  • Assamese: Karenja, Korjatenga

Scientific name

  • Name: Carissa carandas L.
  • Family: Apocynaceae (Oleander family)
  • Synonyms: Arduina carandas, Echites spinosus, Jasminonerium carandas

Carissa carandas Medicinal Uses

  • The stem part of plant is used to strengthen tendons.
  • Fruits has been used to treat various human ailments such as: colic, oedema, hepatomegaly, splenomegaly, indigestion, cardiac diseases, amenorrhoea.
  • The plant useful for the treatment of fever.
  • The root part of it has been used to improve digestion, anthelmintic and antimicrobial .
  • Fruits are useful in treatment anorexia and insanity.
  • The ripe fruit is used to treat sore throat, mouth ulcer and skin disorders.
  • The fruit is used to improve female libido and to remove worms from the intestinal tract.
  • The juice can be applied to the skin to elieve the skin problems.

Other Uses

  • The fruit is edible and used pickled before it gets ripened.
  • Ripe fruit used for making pickle, jelly, jam, squash, syrup, tarts and chutney

Karanda Photos

Carissa carandas

Carissa carandas

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  1. Tesfaye, Tamrat & Ravichadran, Yesudass. (2018). Traditional Uses, Pharmacological Action and Phytochemical Analysis of Carissa carandas Linn.: A Review. Natural Products Chemistry & Research. 06. 10.4172/2329-6836.1000334.
  2. Jayakumar, Kaliyamoorthy and B. Muthuraman. “Traditional Uses and Nutrient Status of Indian Native Plant Fruit (Carissa carandas Linn.).” (2018).

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