Cephalochordata General Characteristics, Classification and Examples | Free Biology Notes

Cephalochordata General Characteristics, Classification and Examples

After reading this article you will learn about Cephalochordata General Characteristics, Classification and Examples

Cephalochordata General Characteristics

  • They all are found in shallow marine water
  • Animals from burrows in sand and they are nocturnal
  • Fundamental chordate characters remain throughout life
  • Larva and adult both show chordate characters therefore they are considered as blue prints of chordates
  • Head is absent. Fish like body and body is divided into trunk and tail
  • Circulatory system is closed type and respiratory pigment is absent
  • Digestive system is complete
  • Wheel organ or ciliated organ of muller helps in ingestion of food by producing circular currents in water
  • Excretion done by protonephridia
  • Nervous system in form of dorsal, tubular, hollow nerve cord
  • These are unisexual animals. fertilization is external.
  • Development is indirect.

Classification of Cephalochordata

The subphylum Cephalochordata comprises a single class lepitocardii with two genera

Branchiostoma [Approx. 16 species]

  • Gonads lie on each side of the body.
  • They inhabit the tropical and subtropical seas
  • B. lanceolatum

Asymmetron [Approx. 7 species]

  • Gonads lie only on the right side
  • They inhabit the tropical seas
  • A. cultellum

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