Cleome rutidosperma medicinal uses

Cleome rutidosperma DC.

In this article we will discuss about the fringed spider flower:- common name, scientific name, medicinal uses and photos.

Common name

  • English name: Fringed Spider Flower
  • Tamil name: Nila velai
  • Hindi name: Ujla hulhul

Scientific name

  • Name: Cleome rutidosperma DC.
  • Family: Cleomaceae (Spider Flower family)
  • Synonyms: Cleome dodecandra, Cleome ciliata

Cleome rutidosperma medicinal uses

  • The squeezed juice of fresh leaves is used as eye drops and boiled leaves serve as food.
  • The roots are used as vermifuge.
  • Leaf sap is applied for earache and earinflammation.
  • In South Nigeria, a leaf extract is used to treat irritated skin, prickly heat, convulsions.
  • In Zaire, It is used for deafness.
  • The roots were used for hypoglycemic effect and anthelmintic activity.
  • Anti-oxidant, anti-plasmodial, analgesic, locomotory, anti-microbial, diuretic, laxative, anthelmintic and anti-diabetic activity.

Fringed spider flower photos

Cleome rutidosperma

Cleome rutidosperma

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