Mineral Nutrition Mock Test 2 | NEET Biology Mock Tests Free

#1. enitrification is carried out by .......

#2. The enzymes required for nitrogen fixation is

#3. Which one is not a micronutrient?

#4. Active transport occurs

#5. Soil nitrate is more likely to leach than ammonium due to its

#6. Non-symbiotic nitrogen fixing prokaryote is

#7. Nitrifying bacteria convert

#8. Brown heart disease is due to deficiency of

#9. Which one is essential for root growth?

#10. One mineral activates enzyme catalase and other is constituent of chlorophyll. They are respectively

#11. Essential macronutrients are .............

#12. Sulphur is an important nutrient for optimum growth and productivity in

#13. Chlorosis is caused by deficiency of

#14. Plants absorb nitrogen as

#15. Azolla has a symbiotic relationship with

#16. Element which is a component of proteinaceous materials and protoplasm is

#17. Function of leghaemoglobin during biological nitrogen fixation in root nodules of legumes is to

#18. Minerals are absorbed in the form of

#19. Plant ash indicates

#20. Inorganic nutrients are present in the soil as

#21. Exanthema is a result of deficiency of

#22. Bacteria that convert ammonia to nitrite belong to

#23. Element required in least quantity is ......

#24. Which of the following is macronutrient

#25. Nitrogen is an important constituent of .......

#26. A crop plant which can grow in nitrogen deficient soils without external supply of it is

#27. A primary deficiency is caused by insufficient absorption of

#28. Gene responsible for nitrogen fixation is...........

#29. An essential element is that which ........

#30. Which group of three micronutrient elements affect both photosynthestic nad mitochondrial electron transport?




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