Mineral Nutrition Mock Test 3 | NEET Biology Mock Tests Free

#1. Which of the following elements in plants is not immobilized?

#2. Which of the following elements is a component of the middle lamella in plant cells?

#3. Plant requires magnesium for_________

#4. For its activity, nitrogenase requires________

#5. Molybdenum is essentially involved in plants metabolism in________

#6. In which of the following forms is iron absorbed by plants?

#7. The common nitrogen fixers in paddy fields is

#8. The first stable product of fixation of atmospheric nitrogen in leguminous plants is________

#9. Leghemoglobin________

#10. Minerals known to be required in large amounts for plant growth include________

#11. Which of the following is not caused by detficiency or mineral nutrition ?

#12. In root nodules of legumes, leghaemoglobin is important because_________

#13. During biological nitrogen fixation, inactivation nitrogenase by oxygen poisoning is prevented by_____

#14. Which one of the following is not an essential minerals element for plants while the remaining three are?

#15. Which of the following element is responsible for maintaining turgor in cells________

#16. An element playing important role in nitrogen fixation is_________

#17. The role of minerals in plant growth and metabolism was discovered by________

#18. In which of the following all three are macronutrients?

#19. Which one of the following is the incorrect statement?

#20. Sulphur is an important nutrient for optimum growth and productivity in__________

#21. About 98 per cent of the mass of every living organism is composed of just six elements including carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and_______

#22. Mineral transport in plants_______

#23. Which of the following is not a micronutrient___________

#24. Deficiency symptom of nitrogen and potassium are visible first in_______

#25. Which one of the following elements is required for photosynthetic oxygen evolution?

#26. The function of leghaemoglobin in the root nodules of legumes is_______

#27. Which is essential for the growth of root tip

#28. Which one of the following elements is not an essential micronutrient for plant growth?

#29. Most abundant element present in plants is___________

#30. Internal cork of apple is caused due to deficiency of________




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