Cockroach Excretory System Short Notes

Cockroach Excretory System Short Notes

In this article we will discuss about the cockroach excretory system

Cockroach Excretory System

  • Excretory system help in removal of waste substance from heamolymph.
  • Main excretory organ is malpighian tubules
  • These are yellow coloured, thin, filamentous located at the junction of midgut and hind gut.
  • 100-150 malpighian tubules are present
  • They are lined by glandular and ciliated epithelium
  • Excretory substance mainly in the form of potassium urate
  • Potassium urate converted into uric acid by the cells of cuboidal epithelium
  • Uric acid is finally released into alimentary canal
  • Water absorbed by hind gut and excretory materials along with undigested food is released outside.
  • They are enteronephric

Other Excretory Organs

  • Fat bodies: urate cells are scattered among the fat body and store uric acid so its called storage excretion
  • Uricose gland: These help in excretion in male cockroach only. Uricose glands are found associated with the mushroom-shaped gland. These can also store uric acid and discharge it at the time of copulation over the spermatophore.
  • Nephrocytes: either side of hearts & they are also called pericardial cells

Frequently Asked Questions: –

In cockroaches, other than malpighian tubules, the excretion is done by fat bodies, uricose glands and nephrocytes.

100-150 malpighian tubules are present

Nephrocytes are located on either side of the heart & they are also called pericardial cells. Help for excretion in cockroaches.

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