Muscle Tissue Characteristics

Muscle Tissue Characteristics

In this article we will discuss about the muscle tissue characteristics

Muscle Tissue Characteristics

  • Muscle tissue is composed of muscle cells with connective tissue between them
  • Muscle tissue is originated from mesoderm and mesenchyme
  • Contractibility – ability of muscle cells to shorten
  • Excitability – muscle tissue responds to a stimulus delivered from neuron or hormone
  • Extensibility – ability to be stretched
  • Elasticity – ability to recoil back to its original length after being stretched
  • Muscular tissues are bundled together and surrounded by tough connective tissue known as epimysium
  • The tissue made of many muscle fibres (myocytes)
  • Fascicles are surrounded by a protective layer known as perimysium
  • Muscle fibres are composed of numerous fine myofibrils
  • Muscle fibres can contract and relax
  • Muscle tissue classified into three types: smooth, cardiac and skeletal muscle
  • Muscle tissue help for locomotion and movements

Frequently Asked Questions: –

Contractibility – ability of muscle cells to shorten
Excitability – muscle tissue responds to a stimulus delivered from neuron or hormone
Extensibility – ability to be stretched
Elasticity – ability to recoil back to its original length after being stretched

The tissue made of many muscle fibres (myocytes). Muscle fibres are composed of numerous fine myofibrils. Muscle fibres can contract and relax help for locomotion and movements

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